
Volunteers are the heart and hands of Maranatha House. By giving your time and skills, you can directly impact the lives of those in need while growing in your faith and service to God. We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities to match your gifts and availability.

Whether you’re interested in serving for several months or even years, we’ll work with you to find a role that aligns with your passions and skills.

Join Us Today.

Volunteer Form

Medical Outreaches: Healing Through Love

Maranatha House's medical outreaches are a cornerstone of our mission.

Crusades: Spreading the Gospel with Power

Our crusades are large-scale evangelistic events that bring together thousands to experience the power of God’s word.

Discipleship Programs: Growing in Faith

At Maranatha House, we believe that true transformation comes from a deep relationship with Christ. Our discipleship programs are designed to nurture new believers and help them grow in their faith, equipping them to become leaders within their communities.


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Location Reached